
Should you be interested in letting the school premises, please contact the School Office on 01444 413707 or email office@stwilfrids-hh.school.
Hire Rates


Area/Room £ Per Hr
Main Hall 14.00
Small Hall 14.00
Studio 14.00
Classroom 14.00
School Field 17.50
Heating (Extra charge per 
room if required)




  1. Minimum letting period is one hour
  2. Letting chargeable in whole hours (i.e 1.5 hours hire charge as 2 hours)
  3. Above tariff applies to lettings of 4 hours or less
  4. For lettings of more than 4 hours, or where multiple rooms are required, then the School Office will  provide a tailored rate
  5. Lettings are subject to Standard Term and Conditions available from the School Office
  6. If the Premises Manager is required to attend there will be an additional payment covering at least  one hour of his/her time, currently £19.50 per hour
  7. For non-commercial letting, an Insurance Premium, at 10% of the total letting cost will be applied.    The cover is provided through the school insurance policy: "Risk protection arrangement (RPA) for academy trusts".

    Commercial lettings must arrange own public liability insurance (see hire agreement for further details).