Should you be interested in letting the school premises, please contact the School Office on 01444 413707 or email
Hire Rates
Area/Room | £ Per Hr |
Main Hall | 14.00 |
Small Hall | 14.00 |
Studio | 14.00 |
Classroom | 14.00 |
School Field | 17.50 |
Heating (Extra charge per
room if required)
4.00 |
- Minimum letting period is one hour
- Letting chargeable in whole hours (i.e 1.5 hours hire charge as 2 hours)
- Above tariff applies to lettings of 4 hours or less
- For lettings of more than 4 hours, or where multiple rooms are required, then the School Office will provide a tailored rate
- Lettings are subject to Standard Term and Conditions available from the School Office
- If the Premises Manager is required to attend there will be an additional payment covering at least one hour of his/her time, currently £19.50 per hour
- For non-commercial letting, an Insurance Premium, at 10% of the total letting cost will be applied. The cover is provided through the school insurance policy: "Risk protection arrangement (RPA) for academy trusts".
Commercial lettings must arrange own public liability insurance (see hire agreement for further details).