We are writing to share some information about life in Year 1.
Our two classes are Wrens with Mrs Drew (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) and Mrs Maher (Monday, Friday) and Robins with Mrs Ellis. Our teaching assistants are Ms Blackman, Miss Kneller and Miss Cornwall.
The autumn term begins with the question ‘Who should look after our world?’ Our key texts will be ‘The secret sky garden' by Linda Sarah and 'Somebody swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts. We will be exploring our school grounds using maps and aerial photographs and thinking of different ways we can improve our school environment. In R.E our key question this half term is ‘Who created our world?’. Throughout these sessions we will be learning about the creation story.
Our spring term project is 'Who is the greatest?' which has a geography and art focus. We will be learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans and exploring work by Henri Matisse and an Inuit sculptor George Arluk. In our science lessons we will be identifying and naming a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. After half term we will be learning about 'great' people in history - famous British queens. Our key texts in English are 'The snail and the whale', 'Tiddler' and 'Mama Panya's Pancakes'. We will be learning about the Torah and Shabbat in RE.
More information about our Curriculum can be found here St Wilfrid's C of E Primary - Our Curriculum (stwilfrids-hh.school)
Homework and Reading at home
Children will change their colour band reading books on a Monday, and we will remind you of Read, Write Inc book change days in our weekly review. Children should be reading for 10 minutes every day and please fill in their home school book each time you read at home, filling in the title and page numbers. If you would like to write a brief comment about how your child got on that is always helpful. The children will again be taking part in the reading challenge where they will be earning certificates for reading 20, 50, 100 times and beyond and these will be awarded to the children during worship times. Children will need to bring their book bags and diaries in daily as during the week different adults will be listening to them read.
Homework will be sent home in a book on Fridays and returned to class on Wednesdays.
PE in Year 1 will now be on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please send your child dressed in suitable PE kit on the relevant day. If there is any reason why your child cannot participate in a PE session, please let the class teacher know via the year group email. Our Thursday session is outside so a pair of jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt (ideally navy) are useful when the weather is cold. Children with pierced ears must be able to remove their own earrings or cover these with tape provided from home. Long hair should also be tied back.
Water bottles and Snacks
A gentle reminder to please ensure your child has a named water bottle filled with water in school every day. The government provides one piece of fruit/vegetable for each child daily, however we welcome you providing extra snacks for your child but please ensure these are healthy e.g. fruit, vegetables, dry crackers, breadsticks or similar. These snacks must be also be nut free.
Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat in school every day and all clothing, including PE kit, should be labelled with your child’s name. Lost property is located in the first aid area, which can be found near the infant toilets.
As always, our door is always open and we are happy to answer any questions or discuss concerns. Please do contact us on the Year 1 email: year1@stwilfrids-hh.school if you have any questions.
Best Wishes
Mrs Ellis, Mrs Drew and Mrs Maher