Meet our Governors
St Wilfrid’s has a Local Governing Body of 14 members, consisting of a mix of:
The Headteacher
- The Rector of St Wilfrid's Church
2 Parent members– elected by the parents and carers of pupils at the school.
1 Staff member– elected by the staff.
9 Co-opted members
The members are appointed by the Hurst Education Trust Trustees.
Term of Office: Upon appointment to the governing body, a member will serve a 4-year term of office. After this period, the member can choose to stand for re-election or re-appointment. The Headteacher and Rector of St Wilfrid's Church are not bound by a term of office and therefore are appointed until such time that they chose to resign.
There are also invited members appointed by the governing body for their specific skills as and when needed.
Staff Governors
There is one LGB member from the staff, they can be from teaching or support staff. They are a conduit between the staff and the Governing Body. Staff governors are elected by staff members. The Headteacher can choose to be a governor or not; Mr Hateley has chosen to be a governor.
Mr S Hateley
Mrs Sarah Ford
Staff Governor
Parent Governors
Parents of pupils at the school elect parent governors. They are members in their own right and their interests are not just restricted to matters of concern to parents. They share the same duties and responsibilities as other members of the Local Governing Body, but their particular function is to ensure that a parental view is expressed in relation to matters under consideration by the Local Governing Body.
Mrs Vanessa Franklin
Parent Governor
Vanessa is an experienced School Business Manager working for another school and has one child currently at the school. Vanessa has experience of Financial, Premises, H&S and safeguarding roles for primary schools and has an SBM professional qualification.
Miss Claire Venables
Parent Governor
Claire is a busy Mum of a son at St Wilfrid's and a toddler, as well as teaching swimming at a local pool. She has a specific interest and experience of mental health/wellbeing and SEN. Claire is keen to support both the families and schools to give all children the best outcome from their time at school.
Co-opted Foundation Governors
Co-opted Foundation governors are recommended based on links with the parish churches the Ascension Church (one member); St Richard’s Church (one member) and St Wilfrid’s Church (three members) with the purpose of preserving and developing the Christian Ethos of the school. Otherwise, they share the same duties and responsibilities as the other members of the Local Governing Body. The Rector of St Wilfrid’s is recommended as an ex-officio member by the Diocese (this means whoever holds the position is automatically appointed as a member).
Mr Jon Arnold (Co-Chair of governors)
Co-opted Foundation Governor - St Wilfrid's
Jon has three children at St Wilfrid’s and is a civil servant in central government where he specialises in governance and stakeholder engagement. He is a member of St Wilfrid’s Church.
Mrs Jill Garraway
Co-opted Foundation Governor - St Wilfrid's
Jill worked in senior management in the public sector where she specialised in strategic planning and senior management development. She currently works in the local community college supporting students with literacy difficulties. She has three almost grown-up children and is a member of St Wilfrid’s Church.
Mr Ralph George
Co-opted Foundation Governor - St Wilfrid's
Ralph is a Registered Mental Health Nurse and qualified Social Worker with a combination of over 30 years clinical practice. He is currently a community psychiatric nurse with Sussex Partnership NHS Trust and also works part time with the Care Quality Commission. He is a member of St Wilfrid’s Church Choir.
Mrs Margaret Gooch
Co-opted Foundation Governor
Margaret has been the Headteacher of two primary schools. After retiring from headship she became Chair of Governors for her local primary school prior to moving to this area. She is now a member of St Wilfrid’s Church.
Mr Ian Michael (Co-Chair of governors)
Co-opted Foundation Governor
Ian is a senior accountant with over forty years experience in finance, he also holds legal qualifications. He has three grown up children who attended primary school locally. Since 2002 he has been Treasurer of St Wilfrid’s Parochial Church Council. He is a member of St Wilfrid’s Church.
Rev Edward Pritchett
Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
Mrs Valerie Probert-Broster
Co-opted Foundation Governor
From St Richard's Parish Church. Valerie is married to an Anglican priest and has two married sons and three grandchildren. Her background is in education. She trained as a teacher in London and taught for thirty years. She taught English in France for two years. On returning to England, she taught in a variety of schools, at Secondary level. She then taught French in various Primary schools around Brighton. After thirty years she trained as a podiatrist and ran her own private practice, until after twenty years she finally retired. She has a variety of interests including reading, listening to and singing classical music, quilting, upholstery, tapestry, knitting and various other handicrafts.
Co-opted Governors
The Local Governing Body recommends Co-opted members. Through these appointments, the Local Governing Body try and ensure a mixture of expertise and knowledge amongst their membership.
Mrs Ruth de Mierre
Co-opted Governor
Ruth is the District and Town Councillor for Bentswood Ward, together with the holding the chairmanship of the Haywards Heath Town Team and an active member of the Bentswood Community Partnership.
Ms Sarah Milton-Hunt
Co-opted Governor
Mr Edward Storey
Invited Member
Clerk to the Local Governing Body
The Clerk is appointed by the Local Governing Body. They attend the Local Governing Body and Committee Meetings and are responsible for the agenda, minutes and general administration and support for the governing body.
Mrs Wendy Loft
Clerk to the LGB
Wendy is an Accredited Clerk. Professionally, she was an office administration manager for a large bank for 15 years before becoming a full-time mum. Both her sons attended St Wilfrid’s School. She started working for the West Sussex Clerking Agency in 2009 and has provided clerking services to a number of schools during this time; she is currently also the permanent Clerk of another West Sussex Primary School and the HET Board