We believe that wearing school uniform encourages a sense of belonging and a pride in our school community and we want our pupils to take pride in their appearance.
Please ensure all items of clothing are named.
Named lost property will be returned promptly but the school cannot be held responsible for items that are unmarked.
Our school uniform can be purchased through an online store with our supplier, Price and Buckland. There are 2 options for delivery, 1) You can select delivery to school free of charge, 2) You can pay postage and have the uniform delivered to your home address (please see the suppliers website for more details).
Please click here to access the school page or visit:
The required school uniform list is detailed as follows:
• St Wilfrid’s sweatshirt or cardigan (Price and Buckland)
• White polo shirt (any retailer)
• Grey skirt, tunic or divided grey skirt, grey trousers or shorts, grey culllotes (Any retailer)
• White/grey socks or navy blue/grey tights (Any retailer)
• blue & white dress (summer term & the first half of the autumn term) (Any retailer)
• Sensible black shoes or plain black trainers (no boots) (Any Retailer)
Hair guidelines
Children with long hair (at or below shoulder length) should wear it tied up with either a blue or black hair band or scrunchie. Children should not attend school with coloured, character or sparkly hair accessories. If for cultural or Religious reasons, a head covering is required then we ask these are in the school colours.
For both health and safety and security reasons, we prefer children not to wear jewellery at all in school. However, children are permitted to wear a simple stud earring in each ear, which must be removed for all PE lessons, alternatively, the child can place tape over their earrings. If your child is unable to do this independently, earrings should be removed before school on the day your child has PE. No member of staff is allowed to help children remove their earrings. The only other permitted jewellery is a watch.
PE Kit
On PE days, children should come to school wearing the St Wilfrid’s PE kit. The PE kit required is as follows:
• St Wilfrid’s t-shirt (Price and Buckland)
• Navy shorts or skort (Any retailer)
• Plimsolls or trainers (Any retailer)
• Navy tracksuit (Any retailer)
• Swimming costume & towel (Y4 only) (Any retailer)
Pencil Cases and other Equipment
We provide the equipment required for the school day and therefore children do not need pencil cases, pencils, etc