We have established links with the local town schools ‘Schools All Learning Together’ (SALT) and the Network of Eastern Area Rural Schools (NEARS), Warden Park Academy and Oathall. Learning Mentors and Transition Mentors are established throughout the locality.
We have developed our relationships with other local establishments: our feeder playgroups/nurseries and secondary schools. The EYFS staff meet with many feeder playgroups/nurseries during the summer term to discuss our new Reception children. Staff from various secondary schools visit us in June and July to see the children due to start in Year 7.
Within our group of SALT schools we organise inter-school competitions which each primary school takes a turn to run. This ranges from book battles, poetry performance, 'Countdown', public speaking and team work in 'The Dragons Den' designing and presenting a new invention, as well as various maths challenges.
So far this academic year; we have already been involved in a range of sporting activities involving local schools. We have taken part in the indoor athletics competitions, tag rugby festivals, boccia festival and various football matches. This term will give us many more exciting opportunities to compete against other local schools in a variety of sports.
We have developed our relationships with other local establishments: our feeder playgroups/nurseries and secondary schools. The EYFS staff meet with many feeder playgroups/nurseries during the summer term to discuss our new Reception children. Staff from various secondary schools visit us in June and July to see the children due to start in Year 7.
Within our group of SALT schools we organise inter-school competitions which each primary school takes a turn to run. This ranges from book battles, poetry performance, 'Countdown', public speaking and team work in 'The Dragons Den' designing and presenting a new invention, as well as various maths challenges.
So far this academic year; we have already been involved in a range of sporting activities involving local schools. We have taken part in the indoor athletics competitions, tag rugby festivals, boccia festival and various football matches. This term will give us many more exciting opportunities to compete against other local schools in a variety of sports.